Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekly To-Do List

My dear husband (and his lovely family) are some of the most organized people I know! I will not lie, when we first got married, this was a HUGE adjustment for the two of us! Rewind to then:
  • Me- not organized & cannot find a thing when I need it!
  • He- I half jokingly say to family & friend, “ he would love to live in a Sterilite Container!”

1803 - Small FlipTop

Notice- perfectly clear, square, clean, and neat!

Needless to say, we needed to meet somewhere in the middle. This was truly a learned behavior for me… I am a firm believer you can learn new tricks… sometimes you just need to notice the benefit of your action before they become habits!

Fast forward to now- in short what I learned from our journey toward organization as a family:

  • Life is much less stressful when you can find your things
  • Couples & families tend to argue less when living in an organized space
  • More time exists for the important stuff when you consciously invest in a more organized lifestyle
  • You CAN enjoy cleaning, organizing, and structure (even if you don’t intrinsically lean toward such tendencies 

** This all brings me to the to-do list **

I modified my husband’s (work) to-do list into a version I can use for home and I also use a version for my work.

You can download this to-do list for your personal use. Please leave me a comment if you would like a copy that can be edited to customize for your family.

This is a very simple list format, but keeps all my to-do’s in one place. I am a person who can literally have 10 sticky notes from one afternoon, but loose track quickly of what I need to do.

Streamlining all the sticky notes, scratch paper, and messages items onto one document and moving incomplete items from one week to the next helps me be more efficient and feel less forgetful.

How do you keep your household and/or household to-do-list organized? Any tips from those inherently organized are welcome!

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