Saturday, March 23, 2013

All About Molly McGee

I grew up in West Michigan with the most loving family and friends a girl could ask for!

I love trying new things- especially decorating, pretending to be crafty (I am really good at copying other’s ideas), trying out new recipes- added my own healthy/fresh spin, and making-a-go of organizing our ever changing home.

wed 2
I am so blessed to have met (2001) and married the
love of my life (2006)! We have lived in three states
(so far!) in the Midwest and have sure learned
a lot about traveling, organizing, packing,
& being flexible/ forgiving.

My hubby and I have such an amazing family!  
We love any time we get to spend with our parents
and siblings (all who still reside in various parts of MI).
We are so blessed to have one niece and two nephews-
who are such cutie patooties!  

We actually grew up 12 miles apart (different cities and school systems), but didn’t meet until a blind date in college our sophomore year. This makes traveling back to our hometowns for visits very convenient!!

I am a nurse who loves caring for people of all ages…
but I have a special place in my heart for the
emergency room and pediatric patients!
My hubby is a college basketball coach and I am his biggest fan!! We love March Madness (although basketball season never ends in this house) and all things sports related.
Wedding 4

This blog is my journey to focus on life’s little (and big) blessings. I have so much to be grateful for and try to seek to simplify the daily stressors in order to enjoy more moments with family and friends.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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